Happy New Year!
You should have your 3 clay bodies, 3 fortune cookies finished!
You should also have your 3 small fortune cookies made out of your favorite clay body completed!
Remember every clay body should have a different glaze technique. Check the dry erase board!
We are now going to divide into 2 groups (Wheel and Handbuilding)
There is a lot to do! Stay focused!
See sample on P drive of expectations for blog! There is a great example! P drive/ teachers/student save in/ exemplar ceramics 1 blog final
Required: 1. 5 tiles/ 5 surfaces/mishima, incised, slip-trailed,water-etched -Describe each process -Temperature/cone/ of bisque firing and glaze (Why were certain tiles bisqued to a higher temperature?) -Image of work created -Reflection of what worked and what didn't -What process did you relate most to as the maker (artist)? -How did you incorporate what you learned into the work you created in the future?
2. Drape Mould 1 Decribe the process! What were the requirements for this project? (Criteria that must be met in order to receive a 4?) What worked? What didn't? If you were to make the project over what would you do differently? What did you learn! Complete sentences! Use spellcheck please!
Drape Mould 2- Review questions above!
Drape Mould 3- Review questions above!
Throwing process! Steps to throwing on the wheel. Hand positions. See P drive- Images of hand positions are there! This is your final! It is due on Final day! No exceptions! I will be figuring grades before I leave for break! Ask questions before the deadline! Make sure you are there for final day!
My Penland Scholarship
Scholarships are an important part of the Penland workshop landscape. Did
you know: About half of Penland students attend with financial assistance.
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!
The post Hello world! first appeared on Just another WordPress site.
Teaching Workshops Article for SP
Before and after my Workshop Logistics article for CM came out last month,
I heard from folks who wanted to know more about actually teaching
workshops. In...
A final post on Blogger
Please reset your bookmarks to http://aplateaday.com. Starting today, A
Plate A Day moves over to http://plateaday.tumblr.com.
New Website & My Blog Has Moved
Hello Friends,
I am happy to announce, that after years of many unsuccessful attempts, I
finally have a shiny new website! Also I will no longer be postin...
Found Metals Project
During the second quarter of first semester, we went to welding to learn
the processes of another type of 3-D art. Our project was to create
something usin...